October 8, 2019
Dee Cohen Katz Elizabeth L. Huynh Katie A. Stricklin Soniya D. Khemlani Kendra E. Bray

Walsworth Honored at OCWLA Gala for Advancement of Women Award

Last Thursday, Walsworth was presented with the 2019 Advancement of Women Award from the Orange County Women Lawyers Association at their annual gala in Newport Beach. Managing Partner, Dee Cohen Katz, partners Liz Huynh, Katie Stricklin, and Soniya Khemlani and associates Kendra Bray and Amrit Dhaliwal represented Walsworth as the firm was honored alongside Judge of the Year, Hon. Elizabeth Macias, and Attorney of the Year, Lei Lei Wang Ekvall. Additionally, more than $26,000 was raised during the gala for law student scholarships and bar exam stipends. Finally, two philanthropy honorees were presented with substantial checks raised by the OCWLA – Family Legal Assistance at CHOC Children’s and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Orange County.
Check out a few photos of this very special evening.