The ability of attorneys and clients to communicate confidentially knowing that, with very limited exceptions, their communications can be shielded against discovery, is a cornerstone of American jurisprudence. In California,
June 15, 2015
Protecting the Attorney-Client Privilege
June 15, 2015
The California Courts’ Limited Jurisdiction Over Non-Resident Corporations
Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, a court may assert personal jurisdiction against a non-resident defendant in one of two circumstances: where a defendant has sufficient contacts within the forum state (i.e., general...
June 15, 2015
The Effect of Compliance with Hazard Communication Standards on Failure to Warn Claims
Plaintiffs seeking redress for injuries or death caused by an allegedly defective product often sue under many theories, including products liability – failure to warn, and negligence per se (i.e., a statutory...
June 15, 2015
A Second Bite at the Apple? Recovery for Wrongful Death After Settling an Underlying Personal Injury Claim
California has a complex statutory scheme to compensate family members for the wrongful death of a loved one. The wrongful death statutes generally allow for surviving family members to recover for losses they sustain as a...
February 15, 2015
What Can You Do When You Think a Frivolous Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against You? (Part II)
In the last issue of this newsletter, we discussed the options that may be available to a party faced with what is perceived to be a frivolous lawsuit, while the lawsuit is pending. This article will comment on the separate...