March 23, 2016
Charles T. Sheldon Ingrid Campagne Katherine P. Gardiner

Hon. Steven Kleifield to Serve as Newly Appointed Southern California Asbestos Coordination Trial Judge

On March 22, 2016, the Presiding Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, the Honorable Carolyn Kuhl, issued an order appointing the Honorable Steven Kleifield to preside over all asbestos-related coordinated matters for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego.

Effective April 29, 2016, Judge Kleifield’s assignment will follow the anticipated retirement of the current coordinating judge, the Honorable Emilie Elias, who has held the position since 2011, when asbestos-related litigation was first centralized and coordinated in Southern California.

While the March 22 order states Judge Kleifield will preside at the Central Civil West Courthouse in Los Angeles, there are some indications that Judge Kleifield, and other judges currently sitting at Central Civil West, will be moving to the former Los Angeles Federal Courthouse on Spring Street, in downtown Los Angeles. Judge Kleifield was appointed by former governor Gray Davis in August 2002, and later won re-election unopposed in 2010; his current term is set to expire in 2017.

Prior to his appointment, Judge Kleifield was a partner with Gordon, Edelstein, Krepack, Grant, Felton & Goldstein.

For more information, please contact Chuck Sheldon, Ingrid Campagne, or Katherine  Gardiiner.