January 4, 2017
Sage R. Knauft

Business Groups Urge Supreme Court to OK Narrower Review of EEOC Subpoena Rulings

Partner Sage Knauft was quoted in Reuter’s Westlaw Employment Journal, where attorneys provided perspectives on the case before the Supreme Court, McLane v. EEOC.

 “While McLane v. EEOC will turn on whether the 9th Circuit should provide more deference to the district courts, and thereby fall in line with the standard of review employed by all other federal courts of appeal, it may have far-reaching implications on the proper scope of the EEOC’s subpoena power when it investigates employment discrimination claims,” said Knauft.

Knauft went on to explain, “the District Court in McLane expressed the view that the EEOC should only be entitled to employees’ private information which can lead to identity theft when it is misappropriated by others, in certain narrowly defined circumstances.”

Employers wishing to safeguard their employees’ private information will certainly follow this case closely.

Those with a Westlaw subscription or who otherwise have access to the article can learn more on page 10 of the article published on January 4, 2017, Volume 31, Issue 12.